fibroplastic phase timeline
With the inflammatory processes having done their job, the wound enters the fibroplastic phase in which new tissue will be formed. This period usually gets underway about 5 days after wounding and lasts for up to 4 weeks.
mdgfThe macrophage, so critical to the inflammatory stage of wound healing, is also essential to new tissue development through macrophage-derived growth factors (MDGF).

fibroblast migrationTo produce new tissue, fibroblasts proliferate in the wound and migrate with the help of the growth factors and a very important glycoprotein called fibronectin. (Image expandable to 27K JPEG).

collagen depositionOnce in the wound fibroblasts begin to synthesize collagen fibers and connective tissue ground substances. Vitamin C, iron, and copper are essential to the synthesis of collagen, which constitutes 50% of the protein found in scar tissue. Other fibrous protein in the wound include elastin and reticulin (image expandable to 1.1 meg Quicktime movie).

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